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The Fight Against MAGA Media

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It's time for Democratic activists to take on the propaganda of the

right-wing media that cripples our efforts to save democracy. 

Extensive evidence indicates local news is key to creating

a healthier media environment and its increasing scarcity

has had dire political consequences.









This initiative focuses on ways that the grassroots can support projects that complement and supplement news anchored in concrete, locally relevant stories by extending the reach of honest journalism. Doing so will create a media ecosystem that is less hospitable to disinformation.

Our analysis identifies three major arenas of action


...and separately described below and in linked webpages:

  1. Competitive
    These are organizational efforts providing honest
    , fact-based but also very compelling journalism that attracts audiences that would otherwise be attracted to media sources that have much less integrity. These efforts call for financial supportA good example is Courier Newsroom.We see this arena as highest priority for 31st Street Swing Left.
    Click here for detailed descriptions.


  2. Reactive/Disruptive
    These organizations organize direct responses by individuals/groups to increase the spread of good information, 
    counter instances of disinformation, and/or equip individuals to assess the validity of information. Sometimes characterized as "getting louder" or becoming "information warriors." A good example is DemCast
    Click here for detailed descriptions.

  3. Structural/Legal
    Goals are changes in the legal
    environment or economic conditions
    that allow bad media actors to flourish.
    A good example is UnFoxMyCableBox.
    Click here for detailed descriptions.

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