Strategic "Sweetspot" Approach to
Selecting Candidates
for Donation
We are very selective in choosing candidates. The underlying premise is that the most impact will come from getting the most candidates within effective striking distance for victory. Criteria include:
Those who have a decent shot, but are neither not very highly likely to win, nor highly likely to lose.
Where additional money will make a significant difference.
Where donations from others are less likely.
Where winning has large strategic advantage, e.g. winning Democratic control.
The strength and appeal of the candidate and their campaign.
The strength and characteristics of the opposition.
We only get involved pre-primary, with very clear standout Democrats.
We are evidence-based in making our selections, using substantial quantitative data. And we maintain close contact with campaigns, and key informants selectively to make informed qualitative judgments.
Realizing that early money is, by far, the most effective, we promote early donations.
Priorities change over the course of an election cycle as campaigns evolve and evidence accumulates. So, we adjust frequently.